Идти – Ехать
Привет! Куда ты едешь? – Hi! Where are you going?
Я еду на работу. – I’m going to work.
TO GO (by foot): ИДТИ
- The past tense of the verb идти : шел (masc.), шла (fern.), шло (neut.), шли (pi.)
TO GO (by transport): ЕХАТЬ
- The past tense of the verb ехать : ехал (masc.), ехала (fern.), ехало(neuf.), ехали (pi.)
- To indicate the means of transport, use:
на + Prepositional
- The Question Куда? ( «Where» in the sense «to where», when motion / destination are involved.) To answer the question «куда?» use в + accusative, на + accusative or к (ко) + dative
- Reply with в + accusative or на + accusative when talking about a place or an organised event
- Reply with к (ко) + dative when talking about going to see a person
в + Accusative
в центр (to the centre)
в театр (to the theatre)
в гостиницу (to the hotel)
в музей (to the museum)
в магазин (to the shop)
в больницу (to the hospital)
в офис (to the office)
в университет (to the university)
в центр (to the centre)
в театр (to the theatre)
в гостиницу (to the hotel)
в музей (to the museum)
в магазин (to the shop)
в больницу (to the hospital)
в офис (to the office)
в университет (to the university)
на + Accusative
на работу (to work)
на балет (to the ballet)
на встречу (to a meeting)
на площадь (to the square)
на вечер (to a party)
на выставку (to the exhibition)
на концёрт (to the concert)
на урок (to the lesson)
на стадион (to the stadium)
на курсы (to the courses)
на работу (to work)
на балет (to the ballet)
на встречу (to a meeting)
на площадь (to the square)
на вечер (to a party)
на выставку (to the exhibition)
на концёрт (to the concert)
на урок (to the lesson)
на стадион (to the stadium)
на курсы (to the courses)
к + Dative
к другу (to a friend)
к подруге (to a girlfriend)
к сестре (to my sister)
к Ольге (to Olga)
к врачу (to the doctor)
к директору (to (see) the director)
к другу (to a friend)
к подруге (to a girlfriend)
к сестре (to my sister)
к Ольге (to Olga)
к врачу (to the doctor)
к директору (to (see) the director)