Тест: Сравнительная и превосходная степень

Тема: Степени сравнения прилагательных (Degrees of comparison)
Уровень: Начальный (Beginner)
Инструкция: Выберите правильный ответ.

1. There were ____ people at the game than expected.


2. USA is _____ France.


3. This is the ______ kitchen I’ve ever seen.


4. It’s ____ art collection in Europe.


5. It was ____ test I have ever done.


6. She finished ____ than everyone else.


7. He is _____ in the class


8. I’d like some ____ information.


9. The underground is ____ buses.


10. The plane would be _____ than the coach.


11. It’s better ____ I thought.


12. Which is ____ of the two?


13. I’m not as successful ___ he is.


14. The _____ difficult thing was communication.


15. It was ____ than I was expecting.


16. It was ______ expensive restaurant I’ve ever been to.